Please feel free to contact us
Our email address, phone number, and visiting and postal addresses are on this web page. You can chat with us, find answers to frequently asked questions and a map.
Please chat, email, and call us if you have any questions. We're here to help, and we look forward to connecting with you.

Chat with us

Please feel free to contact us
Call +46 46 222 91 90
Email info [at] ub [dot] lu [dot] se (info[at]ub[dot]lu[dot]se)
Our addresses

Visiting address
Helgonavägen 2D
Lund, Sweden
Postal address
For letters up to 2 kg and book returns:
Lund University Library
Box 3, SE-221 00
Lund, Sweden
Delivery address
For parcels and other deliveries:
Lund University Library
Helgonavägen 2A, SE-223 62
Lund, Sweden
Billing address
Lund University
Lund University Library
Box 188, SE-221 00
Lund, Sweden
Please include both first and surname on the reference.
Internal mailing code
Service point 19
Corporate identity number
VAT number