Researchers at Lund University can use various agreements to publish with open access. The agreements give the author lower publishing costs and simplified handling of administrative processes. Read more about the terms of the agreement here
About the agreement
The agreement provides unlimited open access publishing in all journals from Copernicus. The agreement is valid from January 1st 2024.
The agreement covers all article types. All articles are published under the CC-BY license.
Corresponding author's affiliation with Lund University must be stated in the published article.
APC paid by research funding agencies
The Swedish research funding agencies Forte, Formas, Vinnova and The Swedish Research Council have jointly decided to finance the APC fee of publishers that hold only fully open access journals. Copernicus is covered by this, which means that all researchers at Lund University can publish in all journals without fees for the author or organisation. Authors at Lund University do not need to do anything extra for the handling to work.
Find journals included in publishing agreements
Search and find journals included in current publishing agreements.
Workflow for authors
To make it easier for the publishers and research funding agencies to identify researchers from participating organisations, it is important to do the following:
- State your affiliation with Lund University in the article and, if possible, in the publisher’s manuscript submission system.
- Use your institutional e-mail address (ending with “” or “”) when submitting the manuscript.
Articles to be published within the agreement are identified immediately when a manuscript is submitted to one of the Copernicus journals. Corresponding authors must select the option Swedish universities, university colleges, public agencies, and research institutes in the drop-down menu and then the organization, Lund University.
For questions about the publishing agreements, the extra OA funding or the Book fund you are welcome to contact us at: publicera [at] lub [dot] lu [dot] se